Is the simple, routine stuff of life helping you feel better these days? We’ve been noticing how much it helps to experience something familiar that hasn’t changed: the wave from a neighbor, a nod from our favorite clerk at the store, the sun rising.

Humans need to feel connected and supported. Change throws the best of us off center. It might seem wildly ridiculous for us to offer up what we do as a way for you to feel more grounded, but the light is shining on us.

We’re still open during this pandemic. It’s had us pause longer than usual and be more grateful than we have been in a long time. Our line of work is considered essential — and we’re not taking any aspect of it for granted.

It’s one thing to understand what a business means when it declares it’s “here for you” as so many are these days; it’s another to understand why that’s so and why it matters.

Wood processing facilities are considered essential because humans need shelter. Those shelters (be they homes, cabins or hospitals) need to be maintained. Improvements are necessary to keep them from falling apart or falling down. So, we continue making our high-quality wood products — and are busy.

One of the most remarkable signs we’ve seen to prove how much quality matters to people is the number of customers asking for a quote, placing orders and waiting for us to deliver pieces of our wood to their vehicle under strict social distancing protocol. People are working on projects.

Accomplishing something makes us feel better. Moving forward gives us hope. Building something solid helps us feel secure.

Some say being busy is overrated, that it’s a distraction from the important stuff of life. Well, a lot of people aren’t busy right now. They are focusing on the important stuff. We’re busy ensuring quality — and that makes us feel centered.

We’re grateful for those seizing the opportunity to start or complete projects with our wood. Even if you don’t think buying handcrafted wood will make you feel better — or “centered” is too much of a stretch for you, give us a call, send us an email, or use our digital estimator. It’ll be one thing you do today that you can control.

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We’ve got you covered!

You know the log cabin style is the look for you. Now find out how you can bring it to your home!

Contact us for a free estimate or for any additional questions.

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